Simply Teaching The Bible, Simply



CCK Kids become faithful, life-long followers of Jesus Christ

Calvary Chapel Kelowna: where kids' love for God, His word, and His people is cultivated. Through intentional discipleship, and systematic teaching of the Scriptures, we equip your children to hold fast to a Biblical Worldview. We model reverence and proper relationships to authority figures that children need, while we instruct them to prefer and serve one another, implanting habits of godly-living.

We place a high priority on integrated, intergenerational fellowship because kids are not one day going to become a part of the body of Christ, they are an integral part of the Church now. So we team them up with adults and look for places where they can begin serving.

Kids Church

Ages 2 - 12

Sunday Mornings - 11:00am

Want to become a ministry partner in CCK Kids Ministry? There are plenty of opportunities to help shepherd these little souls as they become our future godly leaders.

Contact Donna @